k knit
p purl
St(s) stitch(es)
Sl slip
k3tog knit 3 sts together.
cont continue
RS right side
WS wrong side
pm place marker
sm slip marker
*.....; repeat from * to .... Work the instructions after * and then repeat that section as instructed
MB (make bobble) (Knit into front and back) three times into next st, then into front again, turn, on these 7 sts work 5 rows in st st starting with purl, then with left-hand needle lift 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th sts over first st.
K2tog (Knit two together) Knit two stitches together. (1 stitch decreased)
P2tog (Purl two together) Purl two stitches together. (1 stitch decreased)
LLI (Left Lifted Increase) Lift the left leg of the stitch 2 rows below the stitch on the right-hand needle onto the left-hand needle and knit it through the back loop. (1 stitch increased)
K2togR (decrease) Knit next two stitches together so the first stitch would be on the top. (1 stitch decreased)
M1R (Make one Right) From the back, lift the horizontal strand between stitches with the left needle and knit through the front loop. (1 stitch increased)
M1L (Make one Left) From the front, lift the horizontal strand between stitches with the left needle and knit through the back loop. (1 stitch increased)
Inc3R (increase)
Inc3L (increase)
K1b (Knit one below) Knit into the row below.
P1b Purl into the row below.
Cast on in the middle of row.
M re eine Masche rechts
M li eine Masche links
M Masche(n)
d punto del derecho
r punto del revés
pt(s) punto(s)
dr diritto
r rovescio
m maglia/e